主癥 眩暈每困惱怒或情緒激動(dòng)加劇,急躁易怒,面紅目赤,口苦,耳鳴,少寐多夢,舌質(zhì)紅,苔黃,脈弦數(shù)。
Dizziness aggravated by anger or excitement, flushed face, red eyes, bitter taste in mouth, tinnitus, dreamy sleep, red tongue proper with yellow coating, string-taut, rapid pulse.
治法 取足厥陰、少陽、少陰經(jīng)穴為主。毫針刺,補(bǔ)瀉兼施,以平肝滋陰潛陽。
Treatment The points of Liver Meridian, Gallbladder Meridian, Kidney Meridian are selected as the main points to nourish Yin and pacify liver-Yang Reinforcing and reducing manipulations are applied with either one first according to the condition of the dizziness.
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處方 風(fēng)池 行間 太沖 太溪 三陰交
Prescription Fengchi (GB 20), Xingjian (LR 2), Taichong (LR 3), Taixi (KI 3), Sanyinjiao (SP 6) |
主癥 眩暈而乏力懶言,面色晄白,唇甲不華,心悸少寐,舌質(zhì)淡,脈細(xì)弱,甚則眩暈昏倒,勞累即發(fā)。醫(yī)學(xué)全在.線提供
Dizziness accompanied by weakness, pallor, pale lips, palpitation, insomnia, tongue proper is pale, pulse is thready and weak, loss of consciousness happens in severe cases.
治法 取督脈、任脈、脾胃經(jīng)穴為主。針刺用補(bǔ)法,兼用灸法,以補(bǔ)益氣血
Treatment The points of Governor Vessel, Conception Vessel, Spleen and Stomach Meridians are selected as the main point with reinforcing in combination with moxibustion to replenish Qi and blood.
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處方 百會(huì) 關(guān)元 足三里 豐隆 三陰交
Prescription Baihui (GV 20), Guanyuan (CV 4), Zusanli (ST 36), Fenglong (ST 40), Sanyinjiao (SP 6) |
主癥 眩暈而兼見頭重如裹,胸悶惡心,痰多身重多寐,舌苔白膩,脈象濡滑。
Dizziness with heaviness of the head and suffocating sensation in the chest, nausea, profuse sputum, heavy feeling of body somnolence, tongue coating is white and sticky, pulse is soft, rolling.
治法 取任脈、手足陽明、足太陰經(jīng)穴為主。針刺用平補(bǔ)平瀉法,以除濕化痰。
Treatment The points of Conception Vessel, Stomach and Bladder Meridians are selected as the main points with even manipulation to eliminate dampness, and resolve phlegm.
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處方 中脘 曲池 豐隆 三陰交
Prescription Zhongwan (CV 12), Quchi (LI 11), Fenglong (ST 40), Sanyinjiao (SP 6) |