1. Excess Type (實證)
:: 風寒 Wind-Cold ::
主癥 哮喘而咳痰,痰液清稀,兼惡寒發(fā)熱,頭痛,無汗,口不渴,舌苔白,脈浮緊。
Main Manifestations Cough with thin sputum, accompanied by aversion to cold and fever, headache, without sweat, absence of thirst, white tongue coating, floating and tense pulse.
治法 取督脈,手太陰,手陽明經(jīng)穴為主。毫針刺用瀉法,并可用灸法,以解表散寒,宣肺平喘。
Treatment The point of Governor Vessel, Lung Meridian and Large Intestine Meridian are selected as the principal points. Filiform needles are applied with reducing manipulation in combination with moxibustion to eliminate wind cold, relieve symptom, disperse the lung-Qi and soothe asthma.
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處方 大椎 合谷 列缺 肺俞 風門
Prescription Dazhui(GV 14), Hegu(LI 14), Lieque(LU 7), Feishu(BL 13), Fengmen (BL 12). |
主癥 哮喘聲高氣粗,胸悶煩熱,口干,咳吐黃痰,舌苔黃厚而膩,脈滑數(shù)。
Main Manifestations Rapid and short breathing, coarse voice, chest stuffiness, dry mouth, cough with thick yellow sputum, thick yellow or sticky coating, rolling and rapid pulse.
治法 取手太陰,足陽明經(jīng)穴為主。毫針刺用瀉法,以清化痰熱,宣肺定喘。
Treatment The points of Lung and Stomach Meridians are selected as the principal points with reducing manipulation to resolve phlegm, reduce heat, disperse the lung-Qi and soothe asthma.醫(yī)學 全在.線提供www.med126.com
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處方 魚際 尺澤 定喘 豐隆
Prescription Yuji(LU10), Chize (LU 5), Dingchuan (EX-B1), Fenglong(ST 40) |
主癥 喘促氣短,語言無力,咳聲低弱,自汗,舌質淡,脈虛弱。
Main Manifestations short and rapid breathing, feeble voice, weak and low sound of coughing, sweating on exertion, pale tongue, pulse of deficiency type.
治法 取手太陰,足陽明經(jīng)穴為主。毫針刺,用補法,酌用灸法,以補肺定喘。
Treatment The points of Lung and Stomach Meridians are selected as the principal points with reinforcing method applied to strengthen the lung-Qi, and soothe asthma, moxibustion is also advisable.
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處方 肺俞 中府 太淵 太白 足三里
Prescription Feishu(BL 13), Zhongfu (LU 1), Taiyuan(LU 9), Taibai (SP3), Zusanli (ST 36) |
主癥 喘促日久,動則喘甚,張口抬肩,氣不接續(xù),神疲體倦,汗出肢冷,舌質淡,脈沉細。
Main Manifestations Dispend on exertion after long-standing asthma, severe wheezing, short breath, lassitude and weakness, sweating, cold limbs, pale tongue, deep and thready pulse.
治法 取足少陰、任脈經(jīng)穴為主。毫針用補法,酌用灸法,以補腎納氣定喘。
Treatment The points of kidney Meridian and Conception Vessel are selected as the principal points with reinforcing manipulation to strengthen the kidney function in receiving Qi and soothe asthma. Moxibustion is also advisable.
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處方 腎俞 太溪 肺俞 膏育俞 膻中 關元 脾俞 中脘 |
Prescription Sheeshu(BL 23), Taixi(KI 3), Feishu(BL 13), Gaohuang(BL 43), Shanzhong(CV 17), Guanyuan(BL 26), Pishu(BL 20), Zhongwan (CV 12), Guan yuan(CV 4). |