主癥 輕癥,僅覺耳下腮部疼痛,繼而腫脹,若無其他見癥,可在數(shù)日內逐漸消退。輕重的,起初有惡寒、發(fā)熱、頭痛、嘔吐等癥,并漸見腮部欣熱紅腫,病發(fā)一側或兩側。嚴重的見高熱,煩渴。并發(fā)睪丸腫大,舌苔黃膩,脈浮數(shù)或滑數(shù)。
Main Manifestations In a mild case, there is pain in the parotid region followed by swelling which will gradually disappear in several days if no other complications occur. In a severe case, chills and fever, headache, and vomiting can be present at the onset, subsequently there appear heat, redness and swelling in the parotid region unilaterally or bilaterally which cause difficulty in chewing. When the disease is aggravated, high fever, irritability, thirst , swelling of testis, yellow and sticky tongue coating, and superficial, rapid or rolling pulse can be seen.
治法 取少陽,陽明經為主。毫針淺刺瀉法。醫(yī)學全在.線提供
Treatment Points of Triple Energizer and Large Intestine Meridians are mainly selected. Superficial needling with reducing technique is performed.
處方 翳風 頰車 外關 曲池 合谷
Prescription Yifeng(TE 17), Jiache(ST 6), Waiguan(TE 5), Quchi(LI 11) and Hegu(LI 4) |